Masterclasses to help you stay ahead of rapidly evolving trends in business and society by embedding sustainability, innovation, and self knowledge in your life and work
Our First Two Courses are Live!
This course is designed to introduce the framework and principles of ESG and demonstrate how best to identify opportunities to incorporate them into practice for business governance and growth.
Students are introduced to the core principles of practical sustainability and key concepts including the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDG). From there, building on a cumulative knowledge base, students learn to develop their own methodologies and develop the processes to set new goals and strategies and take the basic principles of ESG back to their own companies and organizations to build into everyday practice.
In this course, we expand on the traditional understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to incorporate both demographic factors (gender, race, and cultural background), as well as less visible characteristics such as cognitive diversity (differences in perspective or information processing styles). This holistic consideration of people allows for a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of human diversity. In this way, teams can tap into and leverage the wealth of talent that lies in our individual differences. If workers feel like they belong, “companies reap substantial bottom-line benefits: better job performance, lower turnover risk, and fewer sick days.” (Harvard Business Review, 2019).
AMNIe's Sustainability and ESG Integration training is a series of online or in-person training workshops for holistic growth and long-term value creation.
Courses are aimed at executive professionals and entrepreneurs seeking to integrate sustainability in their organizations and lead the build back better economy.
Discover how to strengthen alignment on purpose and what matters to your team and company to increase organizational and individual wellbeing. This series sheds light on the evolving trends in sustainable innovation, risk, and responsibility. Each workshop highlights current topics and approaches for business integration of common sustainability topics based on both opportunity, responsibility, and risk management. Learn from experts, engage and collaborate with a multi-disciplinary team to co-create an inclusive path to sustainability integration - embedding your unique purpose.
Sustainability and ESG Integration Training
Aimed at individuals seeking to develop their leadership style based on intrinsic values and alignment, the Leadership stream focuses on increasing individual and team wellbeing by activating purpose, values and moral considerations in what we think, feel, say, and do. ​
AMNIe defines Purposeful Innovation as the process by which solutions to the global challenges and Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) are ideated, curated, and implemented. Through a series of facilitated workshops and group activities, activate your purpose and build or rebuild the momentum needed to transition between strategy and implementation - creating lasting positive impacts.
In a time of volatile change, global challenges such as climate change, poverty, and access to safety need to be addressed using innovation that is open and inclusive.
Is your organization ready to innovate with purpose, re-energize teams, and unlock potential?